All posts tagged: Ein Karem

Before the Mass

January 20 2013 in Ein Karem

Signing vows documentsThis year, January 20 was marked by our brothers Junior and Tiago’s renewal of their temporary vows and by the perpetual vows of our brother Carlos.
The new apostolic nuncio, Msgr. Giuseppe Lazarotto, presided over the celebration. More than 100 persons were present. – Read the rest

Tu bishvat 2012 planting tree

Tu biShevat in Ein Karem

The 15th day of the month of Shevat, the eleventh month of the Jewish year, is the “New Year of trees”.
This is the name of the feast in the Mishnah (Rosh haShanah 1,1). In the 16th century, the Kabbalists gave it a symbolical meaning and wrote the “seder of Tu biShevat”. – Read the rest

The Advent at Ein-Kerem

Retreat     We have inaugurated what we hope to be the first week-end on many others. The aim is to offer to Christians who live in this Land, French speaking (why not English speaking later on) something on Sion Charism in the frame of our house and of the village of Ein-Kerem. – Read the rest

The works in Ein Kerem

The “old house”, called also the “guest house” ( waiting for a more proper name!) is in big renovations: mainly the roof, timber and tiles, and this will be too the occasion for refreshing few rooms.

Carlos who is responsible for the work, is well known by the religious communities of Jerusalem. – Read the rest