

1)            Cana:  The manifestation  of God to the disciples, in the person of Jesus (John 2,1-12)

Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him ( Jn 2, 11)
The water which becomes wine; a sign of the wedding of the Kingdom; the wine; a sign of eternal joy.
The wine; the blood:  the  sign of a life given…He took the cup……this is my blood poured out for you.
And Mary prompts the sign: They have no wine…woman what concern is to you and to me, my hour has not yet come.
And Mary  anticipates the hour when Jesus will tell her: (Jn 19,26) Woman here is your son.
Then the paschal mystery will be fulfilled.

Do whatever he tells you ( Jn 2,5)…We will do and we will hear (Ex 24,7) Let  it be with me according to your word (Lk 1,38).
Mary combines in the same movement   doing and hearing the Word …hearing and doing

2)        The Baptism: The manifestation of God to Israel, in the person of Jesus ( Mt 3,13-17; Jn 1,31-34)

I myself did not know him, but I came baptising him with water for the reason that he might be revealed to Israel (Jn 1,30)
This is my Son ( Mt 3,17)…He is  “the” Son, eternally begotten by the Father: You are my son, today I have begotten you ( Ps 2,7)
My beloved ( Mt 3,17)…He revealed the full meaning of Abraham’s faith when Isaac, the beloved, was bound: Take your son, your beloved ( Gn 22,2)…He considered the fact that God is able even to raise someone from the dead, and he received him back and that was a sign ( Hb 11,19)
With whom I am well pleased : He is the servant who will give his life up to the end…Here is my servant in whom I am well pleased (Is 42,1)

At the Baptism, the Spirit comes upon Jesus and confirms him as the messiah when the voice proclaims him Son of God, Beloved, Servant.

3)            The wise men: Manifestation of God to the Gentiles , in the person of Jesus ( Mt 2,1-12)

We have observed his star and have come to pay him homage ( Mt 2,2)
The sign: a star which indicates the place of another sign:  a child in a crib.
In manifesting Himself to the Nations: the Lord penetrates the wisdom of the world
Such is the Mystery “par excellence“: The Gentiles have become fellow heirs, members of the same body, and sharer in the promise in Christ (Eph 3,6)


  Three signs of the same mystery: The Lord, in the person of the Son, who became one of us, manifests himself to humankind through a revelation to the people of Israel, the chosen people, which is also son, beloved, servant.

Sr. Anne – Cathrine Avril NDS