All posts tagged: Feasts

Tu bishvat 2012 planting tree

Tu biShevat in Ein Karem

The 15th day of the month of Shevat, the eleventh month of the Jewish year, is the “New Year of trees”.
This is the name of the feast in the Mishnah (Rosh haShanah 1,1). In the 16th century, the Kabbalists gave it a symbolical meaning and wrote the “seder of Tu biShevat”. – Read the rest

Candlelight and mulled wine

We the Sisters of Sion from Ecce Homo invited the community of Chemin Neuf,our volunteers and a few seminarians from the White Fathers to join us in a sing-a-long to prepare for Christmas. 20 people representing 12 nations coming from Brazil, Canada, France, Martinique, Kenya, Congo, Italy, USA, Scotland, Lebanon, Slovakia and Australia, gathered in the warmth of St Mary’s apartment in Ecce Homo to sing Advent and Christmas songs together and to drink the traditional mulled wine. – Read the rest


1)            Cana:  The manifestation  of God to the disciples, in the person of Jesus (John 2,1-12)

Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him ( Jn 2, 11)
The water which becomes wine; a sign of the wedding of the Kingdom; the wine; a sign of eternal joy. – Read the rest

Dans le sukka

Depuis 1997   j’enseigne le Judaïsme à des étudiants palestiniens de l’Université de Bethléem dans le cadre du programme pour les futurs guides touristiques.
Il y a eu plusieurs fois des interruptions, dues à la situation, mais le programme continue, et  malgré l’âge de la retraite bien dépassé, on me rappelle d’année en année. – Read the rest