
Notre Dame de Sion, School’s Meeting

NDS School Meeting JerusalemWe gathered together in Jerusalem from 10-18 May 2012 for the second international meeting of Our Lady of Sion schools.  Three years ago in Strasbourg, we had dreamed of returning to our roots, by going to Jerusalem together.  Today the dream became a reality which will stay with each of us, beyond time and distance.

We came to Sion like nations coming from the four corners of the world, with time suspended in this biblical space where our founders, through the work of Fr Marie, laid the foundations of our congregation in the houses of Ecce Homo and Ein Karem.

Here on the mountain of the Temple where the call of Jesus Christ resounded among the people of Israel, we delved into the Meaning in the deepest part of ourselves, with times of Quiet1 alternating with study of passages of the Bible on the word Sion and the destiny of Jerusalem, and scientific input on the life of Theodore and Alphonse Ratisbonne, and the people who inspired them.

We could see that beyond the differences and specificities of each school, all without exception, thanks to their devoted staff, are trying to live the charism of Sion through the passion for education, the acceptance of differences, biblical study, a teaching of interiority2, and through defending our values of hope, perseverance, solidarity, and the love of others whoever they may be.

Set in very different contexts, our mission is certainly not easy.  It is in Faith, determination and our unbreakable bonds that we will find the energy to accomplish it.

We hope to have another time of renewal again in three years time  to share our lives and our experiences.

We were 35 Participants from Brazil, France, Costa Rica, England, Australia, Istanbul Turkey, Canada & USA