Author: Andreas

Our Advent Journey 2017-4

The Fourth Week

4_advent_02The Fourth Week of Advent is very short this year, just three days plus the Vigil of Christmas; yet the Fourth Sunday of Advent takes us a very significant step further in our journey. The liturgy of this Sunday builds on the insights of the previous weeks in the wilderness, and exemplifies those in the intimacy of the Annunciation to Mary [Lk 1]. – Read the rest

Our Advent Journey 2017-3

The Third Week

3_advent_02The gospel passage for the Third Sunday of Advent is from the fourth gospel. Here again we are in the wilderness with John the Baptist, but now our attention shifts from the Second Sunday’s focus on the Baptist’s prophetic message, to this Sunday’s captivation with the identity of the messenger and his mission: “Who are you?” – Read the rest

Our Advent Journey 2017-2

The Second Week

2_advent_02The Second and Third Sundays of Advent urge us to spend time in the “wilderness,” attentive to the wisdom of John the Baptist. On both Sundays, Second Isaiah, a prophet of the Babylonian exile, speaks again, now in the Gospel passages, shaping the essential message of each. – Read the rest

Our Advent Journey 2017-1

The First Week

1_advent_02Every year, whether in cycle A with Matthew, or cycle B with Mark, or cycle C with Luke, the Gospel of the First Sunday of Advent does everything in its power to grab our attention – “Wake up! Be alert! Be ready! Be aware! Keep awake! Be on your guard! – Read the rest